Jeannette Parkes is professor and head of the division of Clinical and Radiation Oncology at  Groote Schuur Hospital and the University of Cape Town. Nationally, she is secretary of the South African College of Radiation Oncology and is on the editorial board of the South African Journal of Oncology. She is the clinical director of Access to Care(Cape Town), which is a collaboration between UCT, CPUT and Varian Medical Systems, designed to teach practical radiotherapy to teams of professionals from Africa.

Internationally, she is on the executive committee of the Paediatric Radiation Oncology Society(PROS) and is part of SIOP’s PODC arm, tasked with the development of adapted treatment regimens for developing countries.  She is a member of SIOP’s international advocacy committee and is part of the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology’s(ESTRO) Paediatric RT in LMIC teaching faculty as well as on the ESMO(European society of medical oncology) teaching faculty for central nervous system tumors.